Me Time

Kai in the Tub at Sano Campground with Favorite Book and Her Feed, ink jet and water transfer on artist-made “Rembrandt style” canvas, 49 x 69 inches, 2016 (alternatively installed on shower curtain rod in front of large, screen-printed light box)

J Konno, Danie, and Ben in the Tub with Harry Potty and Konno’s Feed, curtain paper, ink jet, wood, with artist made LED lightbox, 14 x 17 inches, 2016

Aurelia in the Tub with Favorite Book and Her Feed, ink jet on heavy weight watercolor paper with book binding tape, wood, and artist made lightbox, 30 x 17 inches, 2016 (installed with or without centerfold flap)

T in the Tub with Favorite Book and Her Feed, ink jet on heavy weight watercolor paper on wood and plastic and removable ipad, 8.25 x 5.75 x 1 inches, 2016
Exploring form as it related to the theme of attention disruption, I continued collecting visual research through time-based drawing performances involving food and friends in the outdoors. Teaching myself to solder, I sought to disrupt the reading of the finished portraits with light boxes made to match the viewport ratio of the standard pocket screen. The chatter of abstracted data from the sitter’s social media feeds is layered over or under my direct observation sketches of the sitter and often mono prints of the food we shared, while a glowing rectangle blows out a detailed viewing of the figure when each portrait is installed with its corresponding light box.