Impeachment Quilt, 14 screen original print 1/1, 49 x 49 in, 2019 Schadenfreude/Gratitude Postcard Project: writing and mailing a unique thank you card to everyone who has ever been involved in my decade long practice (51+ people); crushed pastel mixture jammed through 4 or 5 silk screens per card, 4 x 6 in each, 2019-20A Lawn Jockey Named Sparky(Wedgie), papier-mâché, acrylic, artist’s hair; 21 x 18 x 15 in, 2020Stain 1, acrylic on paper, 11 x 14 in, 2018Stain 2, acrylic on paper, 11 x 14 in, 2018Stain 3, acrylic on paper, 11 x 14 in, 2018Screenshot from WIP (2018)
Disclaimer: Footage property of Star Films (1965) and is used here for the sole purpose of illustrating the performance concept of “WIP”. Original content owners no longer have a working email address and are not reachable for permission. Please do not distribute. Thanks!